Words of Encouragement from this Edition of “On the Mat with Dr. Len”
Traditionally, the months of March and April throughout all of the winter regions and zones can test the patience of anyone who has the distinction of living in any sort of colder climate or snow belt area. A few sunny days tease the temperatures up one day, and then as soon as that happens, Mother Nature changes her mind and slows the progress down to what is ultimately best. However, there is a reason for every season, after all.
Designated school breaks or family vacations take precedence in every effort to keep spirits up, giving everyone of every age the time to take a break from stress, homework, weather doldrums, and everything else associated with it.
Even educators take the opportunity to reevaluate and refresh the remainder of the scholastic term lesson plans, breathing life into the final push before the big summer break. Minds wander, and extra attention should be meticulously centered on keeping everyone interested and engaged, both mentally and physically.
But with today’s trends in digital socializing, is that possible?
Out with the Old, In with the New
As a kid, I remember the interminable last two weeks before school let out for the summer. It was worse if your desk by in the row by the windows. My mind would wander through the peeling caulked window panes out into the freedom that lay in wait just outside the chain link fence where all of our bicycles were locked and waiting to be put to full capacity.
Teachers were incredibly empathetic to our well-being and employed educational game boards, art supplies, and book reading lists with which we could get creative. Because surely we had someone who celebrated in July or August that we could make a birthday card for.
Even extra outdoor activities took on the fun stuff like an hour-long baseball or softball game, track and field days, or visits to parks, museums, or zoos where from within the bumpy school busses, our voices would fill the stale air with copious choruses of “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall “or other tawdry chorale rites of passage which even to today, still haunt every bus drivers ears and memories.
Traditional Values with New Pride Strides: The Basics Come Full Circle
But that was, this is now. It is a continued goal and promises to all of our students in each class or at each level throughout your Kenpo training journey with us at Len Brassard’s Twin City Family Martial Arts Center put forth the extra effort to provide year-long availability to some form of a program or another, all guaranteed to keep your breaks engaged within the martial arts style that you have come to love and enjoy so much right here in the Fitchburg and Leominster MA area.
While there will be the occasional break from all classes, options will still be available for you to take advantage of via our online archives and study suggestions. As an example, if you know you are lining up for a change in belt color and are given an exam date at which you will be testing up, with an extra at-home, on vacation, or rainy day letdown regime, you can still stay fit, focused and driven by taking the initiative to put in some additional self-training that will help you keep limber, fit and boredom free all at the same time.
Other suggestions include:
- Checking out our events calendars as well and signing up early for any day camp, weekend symposium, or sponsored demonstration.
- Feel like helping us out around the dojo? Volunteering to assist to your ability and Dr. Len’s approval is a great way to remain humble to your community any time throughout the year.
- Have a sibling, partner, or pal in the same class and level as you? Plan a co-training, light kata study session, and help each other correct postures, forms, and adjustments.
- Drop suggestions on our website, like having a movie night or inter-class fun fitness challenge. Help plan a community yard sale with a chosen charity to receive any proceeds from.
- Plan a weekly early evening walk around all family and pet inclusive, culminating with a cool-down session with light snacks and beverages. Include a fun photo challenge with prizes and wards after for various categories or the smaller competitors, perhaps a coloring contest, and a short description of their favorite time spent with us.
- Take the walk-a-bout one step further, take a few trash bags along, create “Brassards Beautification Brigade” and carefully and safely collect “friendly trash” to toss away properly. ** Please note that this suggestion requires approval and properly supervised chaperones to ensure health and community safety standards. This program is not official and is merely a suggestion. **
Focus for the New Age: Fun, Fit, and Full of Promise
Kenpo karate is more than kicks, punches, and weapon-swirling board-breaking synergy. It is just as balanced with a family growth atmosphere, inner awareness, and peer-to-community involvement. At TwinCity, you will feel the difference from day one and be proud to grow with this legacy of an award-winning academy.
Please honor us with a visit to our studio located 865 Merriam Ave. Leominster, or call us at 978-342-9911. Dr. Len will be pleased to answer any questions about the Kenpo training.